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What are Resident and Family Councils?

These councils are forums where residents and family members get together on a regular basis to discuss ideas and concerns, share input with management, and advocate on behalf of the people living within the care home. 


“The entire group has a voice, and that has to be heard. That to me is democracy.” 

- Participant living in a long-term care home

Giving residents and families a voice

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, interest in resident and family councils has increased, reflecting a growing recognition that residents and families should have a greater say in the services that affect their lives. But we know very little about how these forums operate, and whether they successfully enable residents and families to influence change. 

The Project Goal

This study aims to address this knowledge gap through a qualitative study exploring how long-term care councils work, how they engage residents and families in decision-making, and how they are shaped by institutional and policy contexts. 

Our Research Approach

Our research approach involves 3 key steps: 

1. Analyzing the legal frameworks governing resident and family councils across Canada to compare how they define councils and the specific rights they afford. 


2. Conducting ethnographic fieldwork in two care homes in two different provinces (BC and Manitoba) to explore how councils operate in different contexts. This work involves observing council meetings and interviewing residents, family members, and staff who take part in council meetings. 


3. Translating study findings into user-friendly resources that highlight promising approaches and policy recommendations. The hope is to share key learnings that can help amplify council voices. 

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