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Who sets the agenda? A comparison of resident-led and staff-led long-term care councils 

Conference: Canadian Association on Gerontology (Oct. 24, 2024) 

Authors: Sheila Novek, Isabel Huang, Laura Funk, Genevieve Thompson, Mary Shariff, Belinda Mayer, Heather Cooke, Alison Phinney 

Description: Resident councils have been part of the fabric of long-term care homes across Canada for decades, driven, in part, by provincial laws and policies that promote these forums. This presentation explores how council structures (resident-led vs. staff-led), and their regulatory contexts, shape their operation and impact. 

Dining Democracy: How a resident council influenced food issues in a long-term care home 

Conference: Canadian Association on Gerontology (Oct. 24, 2024) 

Authors: Isabel Huang, Sheila Novek, Sarah Wu 

Description: Food dissatisfaction in care homes is well-documented, but few studies have considered the role of resident councils in advocating for changes in food quality and the overall dining experience. Findings suggest that residents affected the most change within food and menu planning and mealtime experience, while nutrition care and eating assistance received less attention and were perceived as specialized, individual concerns. 

Exploring resident and family councils in
long-term care homes 

Event: Alzheimer Society of Canada (Apr. 24, 2024) 

Authors: Sheila Novek, Isabel Huang, Laura Funk, Genevieve Thompson, Mary Shariff, Belinda Mayer, Heather Cooke, Alison Phinney 

Description: This webinar explores how resident and family councils work and their role in decision-making processes within care homes. The research highlights the lived experiences of residents, families and staff who engage with resident and family councils, challenges they encounter, and promising practices that support meaningful engagement and advocacy. 

Dining Democracy: How a resident council influenced food issues in a long-term care home 

Conference: UBC Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (Mar. 16, 2024) 

Authors: Isabel Huang, Sheila Novek 

Description: Food dissatisfaction in care homes is well-documented, but few studies have considered the role of resident councils in advocating for changes in food quality and the overall dining experience. Findings suggest that residents affected the most change within food and menu planning and mealtime experience, while nutrition care and eating assistance received less attention and were perceived as specialized, individual concerns. 

Examining User Engagement Practices Within Nursing Home Councils 

Conference: Canadian Association on Gerontology (Oct. 26, 2023) 

Authors: Sheila Novek, Isabel Huang, Heather Cooke, Alison Phinney, Mary Shariff, Genevieve Thompson 

Description: Despite resident and family councils being commonplace in nursing homes, little is known about the extent to which they enable meaningful forms of engagement. This presentation compares the level of engagement afforded by each council and discusses promising practices and barriers to meaningful engagement. 

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